
family time

3:02 PM

My hubby's family came for a week from Canada, which was a blast! Whew!! it was a busy week and we got alot in...of course I got some pics!! this particular set is in the Alps in Austria....we took a gondola up to the top of the mountain...and hiked across to our hutte.

In case you don't know, a hutte is kinda like a lodge, they have food, beer and lodgings, just so you don't have to drag all your tent gear around with you. And spoil yourself to comfy sleep inside. Its a pretty cool set up:)
ok pics.....
Ok thats the Hutte
so cute right??

There is always beer!
yes thats me taking pics from the back of the line.

is it a bad time to mention I'm scared of heights?
the kids seem fine.....yes thats my hiking stick. Be quiet.

epic beautiful....even with the height thing.Just don't look down.

yeah yeah....I'm coming.
see they are so cute...."Aunty Martina, are your knees bothering you cause your old?"
"yes, I'm at least a hundred, thankyou"

yes...this is the sweaty version of myself.....my sister in law looks great though:)
Deer?? Elk?? Mysterious mountain creature??? who knows. they make alot of noise though.
Yes, yes....more beer.
always a goat. always.

Great trip to the alps!! so pretty!!!!
...note to self...be sure to bring a knee brace for extended down hill mountain hiking...and dammit why did I forget my flask?
...no children were harmed for any smart ass comments...
...sadly my physiotherapist thinks I'm funny...


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