

2:33 PM

Prague is just so so beautiful.....its one of my most favorite cities to visit!

So imagine my delight when I got ask to come and work in Prague I was so so excited!!

Plus double bonus!!! Kami Liddle was going to be there as well!!

Our lovely hosts were Martina and Katya from the Czech Republic...and they really did a bang up job of their Tribal Festival!

That's Katya modeling one of my new shirts!

As always the weekend was jammed packed with great workshops and 2 shows!! So many great dancers, and it was lovely to catch up with so many great friends!

Hanging with the lovely Alexis Southall

Pretty Inga!

amazing Czech dancer Michaela Sladeckova

Austrian Dancer Michaela Hamajova and Kami Liddle

workshopping with the amazing Kami Liddle

Martina our Sponsor taking a break!

Hungarian dancer Krisztina Teglas

the lovely Tribal Jam ladies from Russia

backstage with my friend Viosz!

always some backstage sillies!


ahhahahaaa HIFIVE Tribal Prague ladies!!!
great job!!

Just a really great 2 days!! It really is with weekends like this I feel so so blessed for what I do. Everyone is so amazing and talented and it makes me feel so special to be apart of this thing called Tribal Bellydance!

Thanks again to the Tribal Prague ladies

....check out there website.....HERE!!!

They are always having great events in Prague!

also huge thanks to all the lovely dancers....and many thanks to the lovely Kamixoxoxoxo


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