

2:16 PM


I have been so crazy busy.....which is super great!! Cause I'm busy and working....but I'm sad cause I havn't been able to get to all my other stuff like blogging....which I love by the way!!!

Recently a couple of weekends ago I had the opportunity to travel to Frankfurt and Offenbach and have some workshops at the very famous Orient Academy hosted by the lovely Eliana Hoffman!

The beautiful Orient Academy lounge

The workshop's were really really great!! I was so happy to have full workshops...such a treat to work with so many really great dancers!

Super Sassy Choreo!

Bellydancer Huddle!

All the students were really great and some of the gals stuck it out for all 4 workshops. Its alot of hours to have with me...cause I work people hard!! But so worth it for me too!! I feel I get to really know everyone really well!

Second day!! Great job ladies!!!

the Wall of Fame at the Orient Academy!

Pretty pretty Eliana!

If you don't know about the Orient Academy in Offenbach/Frankfurt....check it out HERE!!
Really beautiful studios run by Djamila Kotsch!

We had some down time in Frankfurt on the saturday evening, were I was treated to some Asian Fusion Food!! Yeah!!!!!

I was so happy...I don't get to eat so much yummy Asian food in Southern Germany!!

Eliana my amazing host and her lovely husband!

pretty dancers!

Crazy German Architecture!

So beautiful right!!!! I know I was getting vertigo just taking these pics!

After dinner we headed out on the street and walked around the beautiful city of Frankfurt admiring all the city lights!

The Opera House!

last group shot!!

Many many thanks to Eliana Hoffman for hosting me!! I had such a lovely time!!
If you don't know Eliana....be sure to check her video here........

and here beautiful website HERE!!!


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