
Secret Feature Friday-Miss Lily Qamar

11:01 AM

Ok soooooooooooooooo......I live in Germany! And I dance in Germany......but I have discovered that alot of people don't know about some of the beautiful tribal fusion bellydancers that are here!!

Some great talent going on in Germany! So for the next little while, I'm gonna feature some of the lovely ladies of German Tribal and Tribal Fusion.....

Ok, so this weeks secret feature is the lovely Miss Lily Qamar!

I have had the chance to get to know this lovely gal of late.....she has been involved with Tribal Fusion in Germany for 6 years! Lily has been teaching and performing all of Germany and in 2009 was the winner of the best Tribal duet category with Henneth Anun in Leyla Jouvana's World Bellydance Competition.

Lily is also apart of the performing troupe The Violet Tribe. She keeps a busy schedule with this troupe, and not only does she dance....she sings to:)

Ok heres the  video linkage!


ok be sure to check out her website here....

and her facebook here.....


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