TQNW-Wed, August 10, 2005 - 9:56 AM

3:56 AM

just came back from TQNW, I had a blast!!! My body still is broken, from all the workshops, but I love that broken feel. You feel like you really worked hard.......I learned so much!! I met loads of awesome people.... and got to meet Rachel and Ansuya!! 2 very beautiful goddess's!! The best part of TQNW was a chance to spend some time with my very best friend, Linda. I'm a busy mom, so to get on on one with yur best friend without children hanging off of you is always a special treat. It is imporant for me to get some mommy time away from my family, just so I can sit back and truly take a deep breath and realize how trurly blessed I am in my life!!!

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