ohhhhhhh Headdresses!!

6:57 PM

Zoe Jakes  
Its safe to say that the hottest trend happening right now in Tribal Fusion Bellydance are the head dresses! Now, I have been reluctant to create something to my costuming that might be to much of a fad...Its a lot of work and effort to create new costume pieces! You want to make sure what you are creating has a bit of longevity.

Vesna Zorman
My other argument has been the weight. You guys, these things are heavy!! Add that to all the makeup and hair prep, headache city!!! I get headaches easily, I was afraid of having this happen with a giant head dress.

So, I decided to create something that would suit me and my style. By no means do I compare my head dress to these beautiful creations. Seriously I am out of my creative league!! But something comfy for the stage that had some pow as well.

 This piece took maybe about 15 hours worth of beading....
that sounds crazy! Every evening for a week, sewing for about 3 hours.

 The hardest part was figuring out the shape I wanted to create, so I kinda went Cabaret 80s with the design.

 This center piece I have had for years.....YEARS! So it was nice to finally add it to something pretty!

Ok I lied....this was the hardest part to fill in, all the space with tiny beading....I kinda wanted to go ice princess with the colors.

I am making another head dress very soon....so promise that I will blog about the process of putting it together. Plus I do hope to make one similar to this for a very dear friends upcoming wedding....hint hint Linda...I need your measurements:) Send them to me!!!


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